The Aesthetic Edge

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Mouth Ulcers

Mouth Ulcers

At The Aesthetic Edge, we understand the discomfort and inconvenience caused by mouth ulcers. Our dental team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for patients experiencing mouth ulcers, focusing on both symptom relief and addressing the underlying causes. 

What is Mouth Ulcers?

Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers, are painful lesions or sores that can develop on the mucous membranes inside the mouth. These ulcers can vary in size and may appear as round or oval-shaped white or yellowish spots with a red border. They can occur on the tongue, gums, inside of the cheeks, or the roof of the mouth. Mouth ulcers can be caused by various factors, including minor injury from dental

 work or biting the cheek, stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and underlying health conditions. While they are not usually a serious medical concern, they can be uncomfortable and may interfere with eating, drinking, or talking. Treatment for mouth ulcers focuses on relieving symptoms and promoting healing, and severe or persistent ulcers may require evaluation by a dental or medical professional.

Benefits of Mouth Ulcers

Pain Relief

No maintenance needed and hassle-free. Save time on daily makeup application.

Promotes Healing

The results can endure for several months.

Prevention of Infection

Diminishes age spots and improves the appearance of scars.

Improved Oral Comfort

One of the top Korean beauty procedures approved by the FDA.

Preventive Measures

One of the top Korean beauty procedures approved by the FDA.

Dental Health

One of the top Korean beauty procedures approved by the FDA.

The Aesthetic Edge Mouth Ulcers Treatment Process

FAQs for the Mouth Ulcers Treatment

Mouth ulcers can be caused by various factors, including minor injury from dental work or biting the cheek, stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, and underlying health conditions.

Over-the-counter topical treatments or mouth rinses containing numbing agents can help relieve the pain associated with mouth ulcers

Some home remedies, such as rinsing with saltwater or applying a baking soda paste to the ulcer, may help reduce pain and promote healing.

If mouth ulcers are severe, persist for more than two weeks, or are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or difficulty swallowing, it’s important to seek professional evaluation.

Why Choose The 'Aesthetic Edge for Treatment?

  • Founded by an IITian and a doctor, offering a unique blend of technical and medical expertise.
  • Specializes in innovative and scientifically advanced treatments.
  • Provides high-quality care backed by cutting-edge technology.
  • Focuses on delivering effective and personalized solutions for aesthetic treatments.


I went to the clinic because I was having toothaches, and after seeing the doctor, I learned that my tooth was decaying and that I would need to have it extracted. I was terrified of the pain, but Dr. Nancy and the staff made the process go very smoothly, and even though I have a small daughter, I didn't have to take any medication. I am really grateful for that. I had free therapy; thank you very much ma'am.
Akshay Gupta
Akshay Gupta
Good clinic, awesome doctor, awesome staff.
Richa Rawat
Richa Rawat
Good clinic
Arjun Singh Bora
Arjun Singh Bora
Good clinic and doc. I came from US with my wife and took many services. They were not at all greedy and did everything to the best. I find it better than many clinics in USA
Meenakshi Bhadana
Meenakshi Bhadana
I had a great experience with doctor and as well as with the staff. They were very friendly and guided me everything throughout the session.
Bhadana 347
Bhadana 347
I visited The Aesthetic Edge for a variety of treatments, including laser hair removal and skincare treatments. Each session was conducted with utmost care and precision, and the results exceeded my expectations.
meinka bhadana
meinka bhadana
I recently had the pleasure of visiting The Aesthetic Edge, and I can confidently say it's the best clinic I've ever been to.